Basic Usage

Basic knowledge on how to use KGen in five minutes.

Generating from template

To generate a new project from template, run:
$ kgen gen <template-name>
Where <template-name> is the name of template, in format <owner>/<repo>. For example samzhangjy/vanilla points to
Running kgen gen will first download the template from GitHub and then KGen will execute the template content.
For example running samzhangjy/vanilla template will result the following:
✔ Project name? … project-name
✔ Use TypeScript for type-checking? … No / Yes
✔ Use ESLint for code quality? … No / Yes
✔ Use Prettier for code style? … No / Yes
INFO - Template generated successfully in 0.029s.
After answering questions about project configuration, KGen will generate your project at the current directory.

Global configuration

KGen has a global configuration file named .kgen.json. You can check its file path with the following command:
$ kgen config
# Config file is located at /Users/sam/.kgen.json
Currently KGen supports the following configurations, with default values on the right side:
"downloadHost": "", // Host to download template from, may be a mirror of GitHub