
A breif overview about KGen.

What is KGen?

KGen is a fully featured project generator written in Node.js. It provides wide support for many complex use cases and provides a human-friendly CLI for quick usage.
However, KGen also provides a developer-friendly Node.js API to create a customizable template to generate from.
KGen supports downloading templates directly from the template repository and automatically caches it for future use.

Why KGen?

I created KGen mainly because of the complexity of creating a new Node.js application. For those who don't know, here's what a modern Node.js project will need:
  • TypeScript
  • Monorepo (lerna)
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Bundler (E.g.: Rollup)
And yet this is just a basic configuration. Apparently, repeatedly creating these files need lots of time and requires me to search through documentations to find the best solution to make tools working.
So, here comes KGen - a tool for helping developers create a modern project in no time, without any complexity.